Abington Heights Athletics

Home of the Comets

Boys Freshman Football


Number Name Position Year Height Weight
Jayden Anglin 2027
Michael Arcure 2027
Rodman Azar 2027
Ryan Barry 2027
Jason Beck 2027
Anthony Berardelli 2027
Aiden Covell 2027
William Cox 2027
Lucas DeCelle 2027
Adam Dickson 2027
Logan Fedor 2027
Aidan Glavin 2027
Maxwel Gordon 2027
Anthony Hanyon 2027
Ross Horsley 2027
Nathan Jury 2027
Evan Keiper 2027
Colin Knott 2027
Robert Kotchick 2027
Thatcher Loss 2027
Phillip Lucke 2027
Brian Moran 2027
Jack Neher 2027
Chris O'Boyle 2027
Braghan Pallis 2027
Stephen Quintilliano 2027
Landin Sobolewski 2027
* Denotes Captain | # Denotes Manager
